Computational Approaches for Analysing High-throughput Data in Biology (I590)

Credit Hours: 3
Day/Time: Mondays, 6–8:30 pm
Location: IT 271, 535 West Michigan Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202 [map]
May have some guest lectures, not necessarily in the same room and time
First Class:
Instructor: Sarath Chandra Janga, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Bioinformatics
Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11 am–12 pm or by Appointment
Office: WK 309, Walker Plaza Building, 719 Indiana Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46202 [map]
Phone: (317) 278-4147 (Office)


In this course, we will cover the advanced concepts of genomics, molecular and systems biology and explore different (computational) approaches for analyzing high-throughput datasets resulting from these respective fields. This will be achieved by giving a biology background to motivate a computational need/task with most assignments involving a computational exercise to handle such datasets or to implement relevant algorithms. At the end of the course, you should be able to describe solutions (preferably elegant) to address a wide range of basic biological and biomedical problems.

The course is aimed at students who have some experience in programming (or are willing to learn it at a quick pace) and are willing to apply these skills in omics settings using a variety of programming languages/tools.

The instructor will give a detailed introduction to each of the areas below and introduce commonly used applications in bioinformatics/systems biology in the first 9-10 weeks. Then the students will be asked to present recent articles published in the last 2 years (each student has to present a paper or two) along with details of their project work (each student chooses a particular theme/problem related to the paper/s presented) and submit a project report on the research problem (project work) they addressed, towards the end of the semester.