‘DataWiz-IN Scholars Program for Biomedical Informatics’ Grant received from NLM

Dr. Sarath Janga as a PI received an R25 biomedical informatics training grant from National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health  and is among the 12 institutions funded via this program for developing diverse biomedical informatics and data science training programs. The NLM will issue the grants on an annual basis, for five years. The goal of the investment is to develop programs that prepare the next generation of diverse students for biomedical informatics and data science graduate studies and research careers.

More information: https://www.nlm.nih.gov/news/NLM_Invests_8_Million_To_Develop_Diverse_Biomedical_Informatics_Data_Science_Training_Programs.html

Lilly Research Award Program (LRAP)

Janga’s team from the BioHealth Informatics Department at the IU School of Informatics and Computing at IUPUI received a Lilly Research Award Program (LRAP) award in collaboration with scientists at Eli Lilly and Company.  The research team will characterize RNA-protein interactions in primary tissues, enabling the identification of potential RNA drug targets in NASH and liver disease models.

To read more, please visit the following link:


Swapna Vidhur Daulatabad’s work on resolving RNA secondary structure using single-molecule approach

Swapna Vidhur Daulatabad’s work on resolving RNA secondary structure using single-molecule approach was invited for an oral presentation at Rustbelt RNA meeting 2019 at Columbus, Ohio. The talk was highlighted at the meeting and well appreciated among the RNA research community.


Janga lab awarded two grants from National Science Foundation to develop experimental and computational approaches for nanopore sequencing

Dr. Sarath Chandra Janga has been awarded an NSF EAGER grant for his project “Algorithmic frameworks and resources for mapping RNA modifications from single molecule direct RNA-sequencing data”. He is also co-PI on a SHF grant awarded by NSF for “Automated Algorithm/Hardware Co-design for Accelerating Nanopore Base-calling”. The news is featured in the IUPUI research enterprise letter here.

Two single molecule sequencing studies are invited for oral presentation talks at GLBIO’19 conference in Madison, Wisconsin

Two abstracts highlighting lab’s work on single molecule sequencing approaches for mapping RNA modifications and structure from graduate PhD students, are invited for oral presentation of their work at Great Lakes Bioinformatics conference 2019 held in Wisconsin, Madison. Both students have also been offered ISCB travel fellowships for attending the conference.

Title: RNA structure elucidation at single molecule resolution using an integrated framework of long read sequencing and machine learning

Speaker: Swapna Vidhur Daulatabad

Title: Deep learning framework for accurate transcriptome-wide identification of Gm RNA modification events at single molecule resolution from direct RNA sequencing data

Speaker: Sasank Vemuri