Programming for Science Informatics (B573)

Credit Hours: 3
Day/Time: Tuesdays, 6–8:40 pm
Location: IT 270, 535 West Michigan Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202 [map]
May have some guest lectures, not necessarily in the same room and time
First Class:
Instructor: Sarath Chandra Janga, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Bioinformatics
Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11 am–12 pm or by Appointment
Office: WK 309, Walker Plaza Building, 719 Indiana Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46202 [map]
Phone: (317) 278-4147 (Office)


In this course, we will cover the basics of programming as they are relevant to understanding and analyzing biological datasets. This will be achieved by giving a biology background to motivate a computational need/task. At the end of the course, you should be able to describe solutions (preferably elegant) to address a wide range of basic biological and biomedical problems.

The course is aimed at giving a good foundation in UNIX based administration, PERL programming, MySQL database management, R statistical analysis and application development in omics settings using these programming languages/tools.

The instructor will give introductions to each of these programming languages and commonly used applications in bioinformatics/systems biology in the first 10 weeks. Then the students will be asked to present recent articles published in the last 4 years (each student has to present a paper), present a project work (as a group of 2 to 3 students on a particular theme/problem) and submission of the project report.

Next Generation Genomic Data Analytics (B636)

Credit Hours: 3
Day/Time: Thursdays, 6–8:40 pm
Location: WK 321, Walker Plaza Building, 719 Indiana Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46202 [map]
May have some guest lectures, not necessarily in the same room and time
First Class: August 27th, 2015
Instructor: Sarath Chandra Janga, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Bioinformatics
Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11 am–12 pm or by Appointment
Office: WK 309, Walker Plaza Building, 719 Indiana Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46202 [map]
Phone: (317) 278-4147 (Office)
Prerequisites: I573 or basic knowledge of programming, R, and Unix system management


This course covers advanced concepts of genomic sequencing datasets from a number of sequencing platforms, including how the data motivates computational needs and tasks for analysis. The student learns how to devise approaches for analyzing massive clinical and biomedical sequencing datasets and for developing sound hypotheses and predictions from them.